Long Live SISEngineer.com!
In late 2016, I started a little blog called SISEngineer.com focused on functional safety for the chemical process industries per IEC 61511, aka Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS). As of this week, we are starting to merge the two sites. All of the posts from SISEngineer.com have been migrated to FunctionalSafetyEngineer.com. Later this year, the SISEngineer.com domain will shut down (you can buy the domain!).
Why Should You Care?
Fair enough. If you are a regular FSE reader, you might be an automotive FuSa engineer, and you might be wondering if the SISEngineer content is worth your time. Honestly, some of it might not be relevant, but…
There is a lot to be learned by looking at safety across different industry perspectives. In my education and career, I have been exposed to safety concepts from chemicals, automotive, nuclear, and aerospace. While some of the SIS content may be industry-specific, consider that:
- Much of the failure rate data in Failure Data – Where to Find it is applicable across industries
- IEC 61511 is Wrong About Systematic Failures, but is ISO 26262? Spoiler alert: Yes.
- The principles in my paper on Bayesian Hierarchical Modeling apply across industries
Other posts like SIS Survivability and Fire Safety and Fail Safe Regulators are pretty industry-specific and/or technology-specific, but maybe my automotive friends will still find them interesting.
Welcome SISEngineer Readers
With any luck, many of my beloved SISEngineer.com readers will find their way to FSE. For those readers, I hope you find the FSE site comfortingly familiar. To zoom in on only the IEC 61511 related posts, you can use the SIS category filter.
However, I offer you similar advice as above. Many of the FSE posts may be interesting to you as well, like:
- The STPA methodology in An Introduction to STAMP is making its way into the process industries
- System Safety and PRA Resources should be helpful to anyone in functional safety
Please don’t forget to follow FunctionalSafetyEngineer.com on LinkedIn.
Why am I Doing This?
It was purely a twist of fate that I ended up with two separate blogs. This merger has been a long time coming.
FSE and SISEngineer belong together. Functional safety and system safety standards across industries have far more in common than separates them. Can’t we all just get along?
From a tactical perspective, it is also cheaper and easier to run a single blog. In a future post, I may talk about how I took advantage of this transition to improve FSE performance and make my job easier. (Spoiler: AWS is really cool)
I hope you enjoy the new merged site. Of course, feedback is welcome. We will be cleaning up a few things over the coming weeks, but please let me know if you run into any broken links.
